I decided today to commit to writing a daily #journal. This is going to be a modest blog, and isn’t some cry for attention. I’m starting this blog to keep myself accountable to my goals, potentially connect with others, and overall to document various aspects of my life such as my training, my career, my travels and so forth.
Today, I also committed to running my second Spartan Race. The race I signed up for today is the same Spartan race in Montana that I ran last year that I documented in my first Linkedin article which can be found here. I tweeted my registration confirmation to the official Spartan Racing twitter page and was happy to see that they liked it. Small wins. As I saw the screen confirming that I was indeed registered, a wave of different feelings hit me. On the one hand I was overwhelmed with excitement because I had a blast the last time I raced, however, I was also hit by a wave of anxiety as I asked myself whether I am physically and mentally ready for another half marathon with over 30 obstacles in the mountains once more. After that initial rush, I started planning to ensure that I will be physically and mentally ready.
A while back, I had switched to the routine I had done for a long time when I initially started lifting, Starting Strength, to rebuild my strength a bit. I decided to switch back to my Push Pull Legs (PPL) routine that is a 6 day a week routine. Hopefully the added volume will benefit my cardio a bit. In addition to switching my lifting routine, I plan to start running outside since the weather is becoming very nice finally. I haven’t decided on a regimen for that as of now but hopefully I will have that hashed out by tomorrow night.
My gym session tonight was as follows: #fitness
· 5x5 bench press – 225 lbs
· 3x8 Overhead (Military) press – 135 lb
· 3x12 Incline bench press – 50 lb dumbells
· 3x8 unweighted dips
· 2x8 tricep pulldowns
· Cardio – 10 minutes on the bike, 30 burpees and about 5 minutes of boxing the heavy bag
Earlier today I listed a few items on various classifieds websites and apps. Hopefully those will sell so I can have some extra cash on hand as I head into the end of the semester. One of the items I listed is my first real quality guitar. I don’t care to be potentially parting with it but I must be honest with myself, I rarely use it and it’s only collecting dust. Someone else may be able to use it as their first real quality guitar and get more use out of it than I currently am.
While lifting and while I cooked my post workout meal after returning home I listened to an Artofmanliness.com podcast concerning budgeting. The guest on the podcast is the founder of ynab.com which stands for You Need a Budget. Budgeting is something that I have wanted to begin applying to my life in a serious way for a while, but never had the infrastructure in place to begin. If I follow the tips and methods presented in the podcast and on the budgeting website, ideally, I will develop a habit of budgeting and saving that will benefit me greatly going into the future. #budgeting
