Spartan race in Montana, finals week and big changes!

I finally got back home from western Montana where I ran the Bigfork, Montana Spartan beast. The race was the first of the Spartan mountain series. The race was 13 miles with over 30 obstacles and was no easy task! I ran the race in about 4 hours and 30 minutes. I can safely say that the #SpartanMontana pushed me to my limits. About 8 miles into the race I started experiencing crazy leg cramps from all the uphill running. I don’t think I took care to hydrate properly before the race. I am psyched for the next one, because I am ready to improve on this years’ time.

The drive to the race itself was no easy task either. I began the long trek from Fargo, North Dakota to Kalispell, Montana at around 2:00pm on Thursday, the 3rd. I picked up my cousin and we drove all through the night until about 6am. Once we were finally in our hotel room, we crashed and slept until around noon that day. When we finally did awake, I still had to complete a big finance project. I am thankful though, I planned carefully enough to save enough time for my homework and do the race, like I did last year.
I learned from one of the locals that had a business booth set up at the race that there were over 7,000 participants this year at the Montana Spartan race. It’s such an amazing experience to be surrounded by such motivated, and physically fit people. Everyone has such a positive attitude, and the friends you meet at events like a Spartan race are forever.

I am back at home now, and completed my first final exam of the week just a bit earlier. I feel very confident in how the exam went. I also took some time to update my Linkedin profile. I listed all of the classes I have taken thus far at North Dakota State University.
Still taking a bit of a break from the gym, but if I find time in between finals this week I plan to get some brief workouts in before the semester is finally over.
I won’t say them here, but I am excited for what the future has in store, I’m making big changes starting this summer and am excited to see where my path takes me.
